the nemoricultrix, o. captain

the Nemoricultrix, O. Captain, is a part-time storyteller and a full-time faerie. allegedly, it spawned beneath a plum tree at the turn of the century, and since then has grown (although not very much). but that is only one of the stories it tells of its own self.

in others, the Nemoricultrix wrested its Name from out the hungry soil of Faerieland, some unfathomable time ago. it formed its seeming-shape, and somehow or another found a way to this place, the Sunlit-world. here it fell swiftly in love with the Sun, who grants matter & timeliness. and the Nemoricultrix chose to stay, and some-times to forget Faerieland, and some-times to remember.

regardless of origin, it loves this lovely and so fleeting world in which it now resides, and has a special care for those agents of rot & decay that we call fungi.

its stories encounter clever daughters, enchanted knights, and princes of ambiguous genders; range from silly to mortally contemplative, all with a care & love for being alive, being a thing that is alive, now, here. where you can hear it.

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